Tuesday 9 September 2014

 Hanging our with Children at a Children's home.

At work

Above: Angela editing the Joshua Nations Swahili Curriculum.
Below:Lucy directing voices to be recorded for the Financial Literacy Project.

In The Field

Arrived in Arusha TZ, on the 14th of July. Unlike other missionaries that arrive and stay longer before starting their work, we had the opportunity to start right away with pending projects. After a year of seeking funds and locating from one place to another, it was really nice to finally have a place we would call home.

Some of the projects we worked on when we got here were the FinLet project that involved Study cases on Financial Literacy. The particular work here that Angela was able to do was to create English subtitles to the study cases that were in Swahili.
We have also Edited the Swahili version of Go Nations 1st year Bible Curriculum and Lucy has directed the voices for the Financial Literacy Comic project.

Right now the projects on the table is the 'Mimi Nawe' Children TV series that will involve puppets. We use the Story of Joseph and his brothers from the old Testament to help a young boy develop character and express and deal with his emotions, through the help of a wise and friendly neighbor; Shangazi.
Lucy is involved in the writing of the script and will also be the host to run the show.
Angela will be the Assistance Producer and one who observes continuity.
Together we will be costume and puppet designers and we will also help in the creation of the sets.

The dream to start this particular project which was initially known as The Sandbox Stories was birthed 6 years ago and Lucy was one who translated some of the script in Swahili since they were first written in English, and was one of those who would have auditioned for the Host to running the show.
There has been a great improvement on the script and amazingly God has gathered people at His right time, People knowledgeable enough, and with experience with children productions to do this project. The producer of the Project is Sig Feser the founder of Pamoja Ministries and the Director os Joe Rohrs a film producer and missionary at Pamoja Ministries.
It is a great honor to be involved in this project knowing well how Children of Africa need to be reached with programs that they can identify with. There is a great need for Africa related material on Television today especially for children and there has been a demand from international Organization to air African related children programs. What an appropriate time!!
Please partner with us in Prayer to make this project a reality.

The Journey

It's been a while since I started walking this path of becoming a full time Missionary. It has been exciting and yet a very humbling experience. for once i get to live the life I'm called to live, for once I live to fulfill God's purpose for my life. As an African missionary it has it's challenges but the Grace of God has been sooo sufficient.
No warrior goes to battle at his on expense. The body of Christ is a part of the the great commission and so it's an honor for me to invite the Church to partner with me. It's about 150years since Kenya received Christianity, it's high time they also send out missionaries to the world and support them financially.
I've seen churches in Kenya embracing the vision, and I've seen them running with it. God is working in the hearts of men and women to step out in all means and expand the Kingdom of God. it's my desire that every believer does the same.
This is a worthy cause; to go out as a Missionary or to partner with one.

 Please have a look at this video: